Waikiki Beach

Waikiki Beach

Sunday, March 17, 2013

4. Port Sulphur Trip

Our Concord Church group left from Virginia to travel to Port Sulphur, Louisiana, while we were in Florida. So we left Orlando on Tuesday morning to drive to New Orleans and then to Port Sulphur to join them for a Mission project to help with clean-up and recovery from Hurricane Isaac, in late 2012. That hurricane hit 7 years (almost to the day) after Hurricane Katrina. These folks have had a very difficult time for several years trying to get back to normal, and then Isaac set them back again. We helped with debris clean-up, home repair and several projects at the Port Sulphur Baptist Church, which served as our home base for that week. It was a labor-intensive experience, but the group displayed a wonderful spirit throughout the whole time. All of us felt that we had received as much of a blessing - doing what we did - as the people who live there. They were extremely appreciative for all the work that was done on their behalf. I kept thinking of the verse in Matthew that says: "Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these ... you have done it unto me."