Waikiki Beach

Waikiki Beach

Friday, September 20, 2013

7. Family Time at the Beach

This year’s beach trip during the week of July 4 included a special birthday celebration for Jacqueline. Cynthia had prepared a Luau theme for the birthday dinner. So we wore shell leis and enjoyed lots of pineapple for the birthday celebration. Happy Birthday again, Jacqueline! The night of fireworks up and down the SC coastline made for a spectacular – and sparkling – way to celebrate. Then later at the end of the summer, Cynthia and I celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary by returning to Williamsburg and Virginia Beach, where we visited on our honeymoon all those years ago. Krista brought Bryan down for a couple of days to share that beach time with us. The early morning walks with Bryan started off a practice that I hope we can continue for many years into the future.

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