Waikiki Beach

Waikiki Beach

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

14. Another Day in Maui

We were pleased that Mary Etta seemed to be coming out of the fog on Wednesday. So she and Chester joined us at the Marriott during the afternoon. We found a shady spot for them, since sun does not mix well with many medicines, and we proceeded to enjoy the pool, the cool water grotto behind the man-made waterfall, and of course the waterslide. Each time we are here, I find it interesting that there is a constant stream of young children going up the stairs and down the waterslide, but after Cynthia and I join in the fun, soon there are a number of other grown-ups getting in on the fun as well. And Lorita seems to enjoy it as much as we do. Later in the afternoon, we found another location on the lawn, overlooking the water and the island of Lanai across the way. So we continued to relax on the grounds until almost sunset. We decided to have our dinner at the nearby Leilani’s restaurant, so we arrived just in time to be seated at an oceanfront table, just as the sun dropped behind Lanai. We have some wonderful sunset pictures to go with the memories of a very good meal in one of the most beautiful spots on earth, at least in my opinion. It was such a treat to have us all together around a Hawaiian dinner table again. After the meal, we strolled through the Whaler’s Village Shopping Center with its variety of boutiques, shops and other restaurants. The centerpiece of the center is a huge skeleton of a humpback whale that can be walked all the way around. The placard indicated what the entire mammal would have looked like with its flesh intact. The creature was at least 10 yards in length, indicating what a huge animal it was when it was alive. We walked back to the Marriott, where the car was parked. The walkway processes in front of all the hotels of the Kaanapali Beach Resort, located on either side of the centrally located Whaler’s Village Shopping Center. The torch-lit walkway, alongside the variety of waterfront hotels makes for a dramatic ending to an evening of island relaxation. The J.Mann Taxi service returned Lorita and the Browns to our lodging places to await a new day tomorrow.

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