Waikiki Beach

Waikiki Beach

Monday, October 7, 2013

21. Parasailing

A highlight of any such vacation is the opportunity to enjoy the experience of parasailing. It’s been five years since the last time, but it is still as exhilarating as any outdoor or water sport that I have ever enjoyed. The sensation of floating in air, suspended only by the parasail, is an awesome experience. Surrounded by silence, except for the flutter of the parachute, the view of the surrounding islands, and the bright blue water below is an experience that is hard to describe in words. This year, the experience was enhanced when the boat captain sighted a pod of dolphins swimming in our direction. They were huge, possibly ten or twelve feet in length, and numbering in the scores. We saw at least twenty or thirty, and likely there were many more unseen below the surface. They jumped out of the water and some even twirled in the style of spinner dolphins. The boat captain said they were surfing in our wake, and playing and swimming all around our boat. While parasailing, both Lorita and I had excellent views of the animals swimming below. It was a definite added bonus treat to our scheduled parasailing session.

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